Airborne International Courier Services
AN ISO 2009:2015 Certified Company
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+91-22-2838 7271 / 4004 8470

Airborne International Courier Service for Chemicals

Airborne International Courier Services specializes in handling all types of Chemical consignments-hazardous courier samples, non-hazardous chemicals, liquids, powder cargo, dangerous / dgr cargo . Chemicals process is a very complex process and should always be handled by professionals that have a high level of expertise in handling hazardous/non-hazardous chemicals. Our services range from Consultancy, Packaging and Global Transportation. We have a team of committed professionals that have an extensive experience in all aspects of working and shipping in the dangerous goods freight industry. When it comes to shipping chemicals and other dangerous goods, compliance is of great importance.

We meticulously ensure that all activities are performed with strict adherence to global safety standards. We fully comply to IATA Regulations for the transport and safe handling of all types of chemicals and dangerous consignments. We offer the full range of services for handling and transportation, including door-to-door service for chemicals, hazardous and non-hazardous products. Our air-freight services are reliable, affordable, on-time and above all we have an excellent track record for safety. We also handle all customs clearance matters, air-freight bookings for imports and exports.

Airborne International Courier Services
Airborne International Courier Services

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